My girls have always loved playing store. Always. And just when I think we’ve played every version imaginable, I think of a new idea.
I’ve already shared one way to use a pretend play store for math practice with our Number Stories Store. This time we’re going to use a store to practice skip counting by 10.
The set up is so easy. In fact, let your kids help. They enjoy setting it up as much as they enjoying playing with the store.
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Supplies needed:
Items to “sell” – We used stuffed animals
Paper cut into small pieces
Set up your skip counting store
While my girls went in search of our merchandise for the store, I started working on the price tags.
I have this cool gift tag punch that I used to make our fancy price tags. (On a side note, I use it all the time to make homemade gift tags!)
You don’t have to get as fancy as I did, just cut your paper into small rectangles. I cut out 10 tags and started writing prices.
We were going to work on skip counting by 10, so each tag was marked 10 cents up to $1.00. I let the girls assign price tags to each animal.
This is the perfect time to practice with real money
We used real money in our store. This was a perfect chance to practice counting money!
I gave my daughter 10 dimes and let her start shopping.
She would pick out an animal she wanted to “purchase” and then have to count out her dimes to pay for it.
I had her skip count by 10 since that is what we were practicing.
My two girls played for a long time and got in a lot of sneaky math practice.
Don’t just stick with skip counting by 10
If your child needs to practice skip counting by 5’s, just switch up the game a little. Write prices in multiples of 5 and let them use nickles instead of dimes.
You could use prices that teach skip counting by 3, 4, 6, or any other set of skip counting.
This game is so much fun. Your kids will get plenty of practice skip counting and they won’t feel like they’re working. It’s a win-win!
For more information about skip counting:
Math Homework 101: Skip Counting: Why is skip counting so important and how can I help my child learn this skill.
Skip Counting with Bottle Caps: Another easy and fun skip counting game.
Skip Counting with the Cat in the Hat: Practice skip counting by 10 with this fun homemade puzzle.
Fine Motor Skip Counting Game: Get a little fine motor practice with this simple skip counting by 5 game at Better Than Homework.
Skip Counting by 5 DIY Game: Practice skip counting with this simple craft stick game at Simply Kinder.