It’s doesn’t take any special supplies to put together a play store.
We’ve done so many different versions, grocery stores, jewelry stores, and toy stores.
You may think of a pretend play store as a preschool activity. But, as the kids are getting older and working hard at their math skills, it can become so much more.
Since we’re been talking about number stories so much lately here at Creative Family Fun, I thought I’d show you how to use a pretend play store to practice solving and writing number stories with a number stories store.
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Table of Contents
Set up your Number Stories Store
Pull out your pretend food, some toys, school supplies, or anything else that can make up a store. I’m sure you’ve got something to use at home!
Label each item with a price.
Use pretend money or empty out the change jar (use the real stuff for some real life practice) and you’re ready to go.
What kinds of number stories can you create?
If you want to buy 4 cookies that cost $.25 a piece, how much money do you need?
You have $.50. How many cookies can you buy?
You get the picture.
Talk through all your purchases, by turning them into a number story.
Let your kids pick a selection of items. Have them talk their way through their purchase.
I’m buying a stick of butter for $1.25 and some broccoli for $.75. How much will they cost?
I have $2.00 and I’m buying some spaghetti noodles for $1.50. How much change will I get back?
The more your child practices number stories, the easier it will get.
If you get down to the basics, a number story is just a real-life application of math, and, shopping is a real-life activity that everyone can relate too.
Not only will your kids practice number stories, but they’ll get some money practice too at their number stories store.
Do your kids still like to play store?
Most of the food items used in this post are from Melissa & Doug. Links to the items are below:
Slice and Bake Cookie Set
Fridge Food Set
Wooden Pantry Products
Wooden Donuts
You may also like one of these math activities:
5 Quick Ways to Learn About Number Stories
Math Paper Plate Games at Better Than Homework
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