I’m always excited when I find fun STEM projects for kids. Are you?
These activities are always so much fun!
We get to build, create, and just learn so much. My kids enjoy STEM activities and so do I.
So, keep reading for some fun activities you can do with your kids.

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Table of Contents
What does STEM mean?
There are plenty of fun science and math activities, but what sets an activity apart as STEM?
First, STEM stand for science, technology, engineering, and math. STEAM adds art to the mix.
Most STEAM projects have a mix of at least two of these subjects and many combine them all together. STEAM projects are fun, promote problem-solving and creativity, and are all hands-on.

Fun STEM Projects for Kids
Here are my favorite STEAM activities for kids that we’ve done at Creative Family Fun.
Our Favorite STEM Projects for Kids
All the fun and family-friendly STEM projects for kids we've done. You'll love them all!
Marshmallow Engineering STEAM Building Challenge
Build structures with marshmallows and toothpicks with this fun and simple STEM challenge.
Melting Crayons Science Activity
Use the sun to melt your crayons and form them into a different shape with this fun experiment.
Erupting Mount Vesuvius: Combining History with Science
Combine a fun history lesson with a classic science experiment, then throw in a building challenge, and you get this awesome history STEM challenge.
Phases of the Moon Mobile
Learn about the phases of the moon with a fun craft project.
Color Mixing Lab STEAM Activity
Experiment with color mixing in this simple STEAM invitation.
Sun and Rain Sensory Bottles
Explore sunshine and rain when you make these sensory bottles. (Plus, explore sinking and floating!)
Math Art: Skip Counting Pointillism
Practice skip counting with this simple art project.
5 Fun Ways to Learn With a Daily Weather Report
It's amazing how much you can learn with your weather app. Here are some great ways to teach your kids about your local weather.
Easy Sun Prints STEM Activity
Use the sun to create art with this simple STEM activity.
Color STEM Activity: Color Mixing Tops
Watch the colors mix when you spin these easy-to-make color mixing tops.
Sink or Float?
Will it sink or will it float? Find our with this classic experiment.
Science + Art: Craft Stick Bracelets
Use water to bend crafts sticks and then turn them into a fun bracelet.
Colored Ice Fun
Build and create with colored ice.
Recycled Robots
Use recycled materials to make a fun (or several fun) robots.
Will It Float? Making Boats
Can you make a boat out of cardboard that will actually float? This is a fun STEM challenge to try.
Hot Chocolate Science Experiment
How does temperature affect the rate at which hot chocolate dissolves? Try this fun experiment to find out!
Hands-On Perimeter Activity: Perimeter Lab
Explore perimeter with this simple math lab invitation. Includes a free printable lab sheet to help you out.
Hockey Science Experiment
What slides the best on ice? Make some predictions and experiment with this fun science challenge.
Winter STEM Projects for Kids
You'll find a ton of fun Winter STEM projects there that will be great to do with your kids.
Melting Snow Science Experiment
Take advantage of a snowy day to try this simple melting snow experiment.
Paper Plate Layers of the Earth Project
Learn about the layers of the earth with a simple craft project.
LEGO STEM Challenges for Kids
Get out the LEGOs for some fun STEM challenges your kids will love!
Fun STEM Building Toys for Kids
Encourage STEM at home with these fun building toys.
Which of these fun STEM projects for kids are you going to try? (I hope you say “all of them” because they’re all so much fun!)
STEM activities make fun family challenges
You most often see STEM activities used for educational purposes.
Of course! Because STEM teaches kids so much.
But, it doesn’t have to be for the classroom only. STEM projects also make fun activities for families. I’ve always enjoyed my time with my girls when we do STEM activities.
But, how?
Well, luckily, I’ve got a solution for you. You can subscribe to the STEAM Family Fun email list. I will help you reframe STEM activities into family activities. Plus, you’ll get great ideas for family fun coming regularly to your inbox.
These activities are fun, simple, and perfect for busy families. Are you ready to get started? Just subscribe below!

My favorite resource for easy STEM at home
I don’t always have time to put together a fun project. That’s why I love Green Kid Crafts boxes because they provide easy, ready-to-do STEM activities we can try at home.
You’ll receive easy-to-follow instructions plus the supplies that you need for up to 6 activities. We have a monthly subscription, but you can also buy single themed boxes (which make great birthday gifts!).
If you enjoyed our STEAM projects, you may enjoy the Intro to Electricity box or subscribe to the monthly Discovery Box subscription.
Click here for the Intro to Electricity box.
Click here for the monthly Discovery Box subscription.

More resources for families:
Family Friendly Movies for Family Movie Night
10 Fun Walk Ideas for Families
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