Do you like to craft with your toddler? They’ll have so much fun with all of these awesome weather crafts for toddlers that I found!
I’ve got ideas for snow, rain, clouds, and sunshine that are simple enough that your toddler can do. But, they’ll also be fun for older kids, which makes these crafts perfect for siblings to do together.
Let’s grab some supplies and get ready for a fun craft project with your toddler!

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Grab a fun book to go along with one of these fun crafts. This makes for a delightful activity time together with your kids.
For example: Read Little Cloud by Eric Carle along with the Cotton Ball Painted Cloud project.
Weather Crafts for Toddlers
Weather Crafts for Toddlers
You'll enjoy all these toddler weather crafts that celebrate rainy days, clouds, and sunshine. They're all easy enough for toddlers to enjoy, open-ended, fun, and creative. These crafts are a perfect way to spend some quality time with your kids.
Making Umbrellas
Brighten a rainy day with this simple paper plate umbrella craft. It's open-ended, fun, and makes a pretty window decoration.
Making Clouds
Let your toddler paint these simple clouds with a cotton ball. It's easy and so much fun!
Cloud Mobile
Your toddler will have great fun gluing cotton balls to make this simple cloud mobile. It's a fun craft that they'll be proud to display.
Squish Painted Sun Craft
Celebrate sunshine with this fun mess-free painting craft. It's beautiful, easy, and fun!
Q-tip Painted Snowflake Crafts
Paint with Q-Tips to make this simple snowflake craft. This is great craft for fine motor skills.
Bubble Wrap Rain Craft
Save a bit of bubble wrap so your kids can great this fun printed rainy scene. Prep the umbrellas ahead of time (or use a sticker) to make this craft go smoothly.
Rain Cloud Gravity Painting for Kids -
Let gravity do the work to create this fun rain cloud craft. Your kids will be amazed and love their finished product.
Puffy Paint Clouds
Try this simple puffy paint clouds craft. It's a completely open-ended and easy craft. Your little one will definitely want to create more than one cloud!
Super Easy Snowball Painting
Create a snowy day with this simple printmaking craft. It's so much fun to paint with a puff ball! (Psst... this is another craft that is great for fine motor skills.)
Tissue Paper Rainbow Craft for Kids
Decorate your window with this simple rainbow craft. It's colorful, fun, and looks absolutely beautiful!
So, what do you think? Don’t these ideas look like fun?
Choose a few ideas and plan some fun activity time with your toddlers. They’ll love the chance to create and will have a project that they’re proud of.
Which of these weather crafts for toddlers is your favorite?
How to do crafts with toddlers
If you want to have a great time doing crafts with your toddler, there’s one important thing you need to do. You need to let go of all your expectations.
Your toddler has a mind of their own, so their project may look nothing like your plan. And, you know what, that’s ok! The important thing is that they have fun and you have fun with them. (And, you won’t have fun if you worry about the outcome!)
These toddler weather crafts are all appropriate for 2-3 year olds, but that doesn’t mean your finished product will look like the picture. Introduce the activity, show them how to use the supplies and let them have fun.
For example, with the Paper Plate Umbrella craft, you can cut the paper plates ahead of time and cut out the handle. But, let your toddler do what they want when they decorate their paper plate. They may smear, finger paint, use a small amount of paint, or mix all the paint colors together! Let them own the project and do what they want. They’ll have tons of fun and so will you!

You may also like one of these toddler activities:
Simple and Fun Shape Crafts for Toddlers
Cork Print Tree Craft for Toddlers
Leaf Shape Collage for Toddlers and Preschoolers
Sponge Paint Process Art at Busy Toddler
Combine this activity with a fun weather book
I always love to combine a book with an activity. And, luckily there are some awesome weather books to go along with a fun weather craft. Here are a few that I like:
Maisy’s Wonderful Weather Book by Lucy Cousins
Biscuit’s Snowy Day by Alyssa Satin Capucilli
Let it Rain by Maryann Cocca-Leffler
Or you can try any of the other choices below. These books are perfect to go along with any of these crafts.