My girls love screen time. And, really, don’t all kids?
I have discovered that they’re not all that picky about what they doing during that screen time.
Sometimes it’s something fun, sometimes it’s something educational, and sometimes we’re just watching an interesting YouTube video.
So, when it occurred to me that we could use my laptop to type spelling words, my girls were eager to get going!
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How to set-up
Grab your laptop (or sit down in front of a desktop) and open up your word processing program. My girls like a large font when they do this, so go ahead and get everything set up the way you like it.
Tip: Mix it up a little and let your child choose a fun font. Swirly, bold, it doesn’t matter. But, if it makes it more fun – why not?
Type Spelling Words
Have your child type their spelling words. Call the words out to them and let them spell by memory. Or, if they’re just learning their words, let them refer to the list.
This is such a win-win activity. The kids get screen time. They’re practicing their spelling words and they’re getting familiar with typing in a word processing program. Let’s face it, that’s a skill they’re going to need in life anyway.
When they’re done, I just close everything down. We don’t save or print; there’s really no need. This is such a fun (and very low-prep) way to practice spelling words.
You may also like one of these fun spelling activities:
Write Spelling Words with Cotton Swabs
Finger Painting Spelling Words
Buy the 31 Ways to Practice Spelling Words Ebook
You can purchase a printable form of this book for $7.50 The book is designed to print and turn into a half-page size booklet. It’s perfect to keep at your homework station. Your kids can flip through and find a fun way to practice their spelling words.
The ideas will be convenient and ready to use. No need to turn on the computer every day for ideas.
Most activities require little to no prep time. And, if you make sure you have all the supplies on the Master Supply List (included in the book) on hand, you’ll be able to do any of these fun spelling word ideas any time.