I don’t know about you, but I’ve been looking for some fun Thanksgiving math games, specifically a Thanksgiving addition game.
Luckily, I’ve got a great idea for you!
It’s time to grab some supplies and get creative. This Add and Fill Turkey game takes some prep time in the beginning, but it can be used over and over again.

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I’ve always love this Race to Fill the Cup activity from Frugal Fun for Boys and Girls. It’s simple and tons of fun. I’ve enjoyed it with my own girls when they were younger and it popped into my head when I was thinking of a Thanksgiving addition game to play.
That’s how this Add and Fill Turkey activity came about. I was inspired, added a few twists, made it more advanced, threw in a turkey, and voila – a fun new game.
Table of Contents
Supplies Needed for Your Turkey Addition Game
Brown, yellow, red, and orange construction paper
Small bathroom cup
Black marker
Additional supplies needed to play the game
Pony beads, tribeads, mini erasers, or other small filler – enough to fill your bathroom cup
Pair of dice
How to Make Your Thanksgiving Addition Game
Cut the pieces for your turkey from your construction paper.
Make a brown circle for the turkey head, a tiny yellow triangle for the beak, and a small red piece for the wattle. Also cut three feathers, one from each of the colors (except the brown) of construction paper. Make the feathers long enough to stick up over the top of your cup.
Glue your beak and the wattle to the middle of your brown circle. Use your marker to make a couple of eyes.
Use the tape to attach the turkey feathers and the turkey head to your small bathroom cup.
Your turkey cup is ready to go. It’s time to play!
How to play this Thanksgiving Math Game
This game is very easy to play. Throw the dice. Add the two numbers together and then put that many beads in your cup.
Keep throwing the dice, adding the numbers, and putting beads in your cup until your turkey up is full
How many dice will your turkey hold?
It can take awhile to fill your turkey cup. We had to throw the dice 30 times! If you want a shorter game, use a larger filler or aim to only fill the cup 1/2 way.

Fun Variations of This Addition Game
Make this a two person game. Make two turkey cups. The players can either take turns or race each other to find out who will fill their turkey cup first.
Find the total. After you add your two dice together, write down your answer before add your beads to the cup. Keep track of all the amounts and add them all together at the end to find out how many total beads are in your cup.
Use more dice. Throw three, four, or even five dice each time. Add them all together and put your beads in your cup.
What variation of this game would you try?
More Math Games to Try
Telling Time With a Turkey Clock
Fun Addition Fact Games for Kids
My Must-Have Math Resources
My number one activity for helping my kids with math is to play a fun math game. There are so many fun ideas to make, but sometimes you just don’t have the time. In that case, here are some great games you can buy to keep on hand any time you want to have fun and practice math.
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