Earlier this summer we spent a wonderful week at Lake Catherine State Park.
We spent the week camping with my parents, hiking, swimming, and impressing the park rangers with our knowledge of bird skulls.
Instead of the usual souvenirs, such as t-shirts or small trinkets, we brought back several nature treasures we found on walks around the park.
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After a few week of these treasures sitting around in our nature bags, I knew it was time to do something with them.
I wanted to do a version of these nature jars I had been seeing all over Pinterest.
I rounded up a few jars and vases I had that were sitting around and gathering dust. We then gathered up our jars and nature treasures and got to work.
We worked carefully adding our treasures.
We had gumballs, feathers, rocks, pine needles, and pine cones.
The girls arranged them carefully, adding and subtracting until they were pleased with the results.
We had a great time talking about all the treasures we had found on our trip.
When we were all done, we artfully arranged them on our table. Now we have a beautiful centerpiece and wonderful memories of our trip every time we sit down to eat.
What is your favorite vacation souvenir?